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havia muita coisa

collage and origami , 2021

havia muita coisa

collage and origami , 2021

havia muita coisa is based on a sentence that I’ve always heard within my family and, as I believe, in many other Portuguese families not many years ago: there were few things (havia pouca coisa). If indeed there were few things, our generation cannot say the same.


This project was born while reflecting on that, that is commonly thought of: many materials and many other objects are abundant in our lives. Paper was one of those materials that I always used as a support for work and, by its graphic and plastic interest, I also collected newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, cities maps, museums brochures and many more.


Now there is the opportunity and the will to use and explore its plasticity, as well as the unattachment towards materials that once upon a time had a personal value and were growing in an abysmal archive.



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